To provide access to electronic resources, the Indiana University Libraries are required to agree to the terms and conditions detailed in the license for each of those resources. Each electronic resource subscribed to or purchased includes a license agreement or contract that details permissions and restrictions on use. Common restrictions include, but are not limited to
- Authorized Users consist solely of employees, faculty, students and staff currently affiliated with the institution; walk-in patrons who access the resource on computers physically located in the library; and remote users affiliated with the institution through secure access procedures established by the institution.
- Use of the resource should be for the purposes of private research or study only.
- Alteration, abridgement, adaptation or modification of the licensed material is prohibited, except to the extent necessary to make it perceptible on a computer screen or as otherwise permitted in the agreement.
- Authorized users may download, store on a PC, or print single copies of documents from the resource for his/her own non-commercial use, provided user maintains all copyright and other notices contained in such material.
- Systematic or programmatic downloading (e.g., the use of automated "robots" and net accelerators or otherwise downloading or attempting to download in a short period of time large amounts of the subscribed content) is prohibited.
- Systematic making of print or electronic copies for distribution to non-subscribers or non-subscribing institutions is prohibited.
- Users may not use any of the licensed material for commercial use.
- Mounting or distributing any part of the licensed material on any electronic network, including the Internet and the World Wide Web, other than the Secure Network (a network which is only accessible to "authorized users" whose conduct shall by subjected to regulation by the licensee) is prohibited.
License agreements may be terminated immediately at the discretion of individual publishers if terms and conditions are breached.