Register for the inaugural 5B Titan Reading Marathon
This is a fun way to encourage reading and show support for the IU South Bend Libraries!
Participants are asked to read or listen to 5 books September 1 through November 30, 2023.
Parameters for books
- Books must be at an 8th grade reading level or higher.
- Select 2 books from the IU South Bend Libraries Collection.
- One graphic novel is acceptable.
- Audio Books are permitted.
To participate, submit the books you read or listen to by December 5, 2023. You may submit each book you read or listen to as you go or submit all 5 titles completed just once.
Completion of the 5B will earn a coupon for a book from the library’s book sale, and for a Donation of $10 or more, you will receive a personalized bookplate in a library book of your choice.