All items are subject to recall if needed for the reserve collection. When necessary, the library may recall material at any time regardless of whether the item is overdue, has been renewed, or has been checked out to a faculty or staff member. If not returned by the recall due date, a fine of $25 will be charged.
Staff, Student, or Community Guest
Recall Fines
- $25 per item
Replacement Fees
- $83
Replacement fees are based on the average cost of a book, the maximum overdue fine, and a processing fee. If an item's cost is significantly different than the average, adjustments are made to the fee schedule to reflect this.
Damage Fees
- Damage fees are based on significance of damage.
Recall Fines
- $25 per item
Replacement Fees
- $83
Replacement fees are based on the average cost of a book, the maximum overdue fine, and a processing fee. If an item's cost is significantly different than the average, adjustments are made to the fee schedule to reflect this.
Damage Fees
- Damage fees are based on significance of damage.
Last reviewed: 07/2024