Collection Development Policy: Theatre and Dance
Subject Librarian: Julie Feighery
Purpose of Policy: The collection development policy for Theatre and Dance guides the development and management of the Theatre and Dance collection.
Program Description from their website:
“From theatre history and acting techniques to stage lighting and costuming, the study of theatre and dance covers every aspect of this age-old art form…The B.A. degree gives students a broad acquaintance and experience with the various ways theatre artists study, interpret, and express the world in which we live. The B.F.A. degree is designed to prepare students for the professional theatre or additional training at the graduate level. It features an intense focus on a selected area of concentration (performance or design/technical) and extensive production experience designed to promote excellence.”
Areas of Established Specialization:
- Performance
- Design/Technical (Costume, Scenic or Lighting Design; or Costume or Scenic Technology)
- Musical Theatre
- Dance
Changes in User Population for the Most Recent Five Years:
The number of students enrolled in theater has increased. There has been particular growth in areas of theatre design.
New and Expanding Areas of Interest:
The department wishes to continue to expand the collection in all of their degree areas as well as expanding the international theatre collection. The department has also been amassing a collection of the plays that have been produced on campus and wishes to add these performance recordings to the library collection.
Degrees Offered:
- Bachelor of Fine Arts in Theatre with a concentration in Performance
- Bachelor of Fine Arts in Theatre with a concentration in Design/Technical
- Bachelor of Fine Arts in Theatre with a concentration in Dance
- Bachelor of Fine Arts in Theatre with a concentration in Musical Theatre
- Bachelor of Arts in Theatre (Performance or Design/Technical Concentration)
The primary clientele are the undergraduate students, faculty, and staff of the Theatre and Dance department. Members of the Michiana community may also use the collection.
Number of Faculty: 4 FTE, 2 Lecturer, and 10 additional Associate Faculty
Number of Majors: 60