Collection Development Policy: Radiological Sciences & Medical Imaging
Subject Librarian: Rhonda Culbertson
Purpose of policy: The collection development policy for Radiological Sciences & Medical Imaging guides the development and management of resources to support the programs.
Program Description
The Division of Radiography and Medical Imaging is designed to prepare students as competent, professional radiologic technologists within the regionally served area. The curriculum educates the radiographer to become adept in the performance of any diagnostic radiographic procedure. Courses in radiographic principles, radiographic procedures, clinical application of theory, digital imaging, radiation protection, and general education are included in the curriculum. Students also receive instruction in the theory and practice of the Tarr diagnostic imaging modalities in addition to diagnostic radiography.
Upon graduation, the student is sufficiently prepared to successfully pass the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists certification examination.
Cover anatomy, physiology, general psychology, microbiology, elementary chemistry, clinical radiography, medical terminology, pathology, radiographic procedures, radiobiology and protection, medical imaging, ultrasound physics, computed tomography, diagnostic imaging, magnetic resonance imaging, and ultrasound.
Areas of Established Specialization
The teaching focus for the Division of Radiologic Sciences (Radiography) is medical imaging. The areas of specialization include diagnostic radiography, computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), ultrasonography and cardiac and interventional imaging.
New and Expanding Areas of Interest
The field of medical imaging is always expanding as technology continues to advance and evolve. It is important for the program faculty to stay abreast of current imaging practice and have access to current literature and online resources. A new focus for the department will be the inclusion of a dedicated track of study in cardiac imaging and interventional imaging.
Recent Changes in Courses Taught, Program Focus or Faculty Interest
Recent changes include the incorporation of several online courses in the BS in Medical Imaging Technology (BSMIT) Program. The AS in Radiography Program is undergoing a transition and course curriculum continues to be revised to more appropriately reflect current trends and current practice in medical imaging.
Degrees Offered
- Associate of Science in Radiography (AS)
- Bachelor of Science in Medical Imaging Technology (BSMIT)
The primary clientele are the undergraduate students and faculty in the Department of Radiography and Medical Imaging.
The program is accredited by the Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology (JRCERT). The American Medical Association (A.M.A.), the American Society of Radiologic Technologists 9ASRT), and AEIRS (Association of Educators in Radiologic Technology), and the American College of Radiology (ACR) serve as collaborating agencies in the accreditation process.