Collection Development Policy: Physics
Subject Librarian: Scott Opasik
Purpose of Policy: To build a collection that serves the teaching, learning, and research needs of students in degree programs or courses in Physics, Astronomy, or Earth and Space Science and the faculty teaching those courses.
Program Description
- B.S. in Physics
- Professional Track
- Applied Physics Track
- B.A. in Physics
- Minor in Physics
- Minor in Earth and Space Science
Faculty Area of Research Interest
- Astro-Particle Physics focused mainly on the experimental search for dark matter.
- High-Pressure Condensed Matter Physics (experimental research at high pressure).
- Nuclear Physics focusing on reactions induced by radioactive beams and reactions of astrophysical interest.
- String Theory focusing on Calabi-Yau compactification and mirror symmetry.
Student Population
The majority of students who take Physics courses are not majoring or minoring in Physics. The department also teaches required classes for Biology and Chemistry majors, and elective courses for Elementary Education majors and Computer Science majors, and general education courses for non-majors.
Courses Requiring the Use of Library Resources
- PHYS-S 405 Readings in Physics requires a paper.
- PHYS-N 190 The Natural World, VT: Energy in the 21st Century
Classification Areas
The library collects materials in the following areas:
- Astronomy [QB]
- Physics (General) [QC1-75] - Philosophy, History, Biography, Women in Physics, Popular works, Nomenclature, Study and Teaching, Research, Laboratories
- Weights and Measures [QC81-119]
- Experimental Mechanics [QC120-168]
- Constitution and Properties of Matter [QC170-220]
- Sound [QC221-246]
- Heat [QC251-338]
- Light, Optics, Radiation (General) [QC350-496]
- Electricity, Magnetism, Nuclear Physics [QC501-798]
- Geophysics, Geomagnetism [QC801-849]
- Meteorology, Climatology [QC851-999]