Last reviewed: 11/2018
Continuing resources includes databases, journals, magazines, videos, newspapers, standing orders, and monographic series. The collection is composed of both paper, digital, and micro formats.
The location of a continuing resource can be identified in IUCAT, the online catalog ( The majority of current continuing resources are licensed/acquired in electronic form and accessed through the library’s website. Print periodicals, including most newspapers, are housed on the second floor of the library. The most recent issues of selected periodicals and newspapers are available in the Media Commons. Microforms are located in Government Publications on the ground floor. Some series and standing order are shelved in the Reference Collection on the main floor of the library.
Faculty and Subject Librarians work together to select library materials. Because initiation of a database or serial subscription requires an ongoing financial commitment, the library has established a database and serial review process to evaluate cancellations and additions.
Continuing resources require a long-term financial commitment for the library. Over the past twenty years, the average annual price increase for subscriptions has averaged 8%, significantly affecting the entire materials budget. Database and serial recommendations are considered annually by the subject librarians in early spring and if approved, the subscription is initiated in May.
1. Determine the level of support for new titles in the department or school. Those titles requested by the department or several faculty across and within schools or disciplines receive higher consideration.
2. Send title information, full justification, and level of departmental support to both the subject librarian and Director of Collection Services, Susan Thomas, Indicate if back issues are needed. A request for back issues should also be justified.
3. If submitting more than one title for consideration please prioritize.
1. Relevance to the curriculum and teaching mission. Preference will be given to resources needed for student research, course preparation, course readings, or to fulfill the general aims of a liberal arts and sciences education.
2. Accreditation requirements.
3. Potential use measured by the number of students, faculty, or departments who will benefit from the subscription.
4. Cost of ownership compared to cost of access and availability of the material through document delivery services.
5. Volume of interlibrary loan transactions.
6. Strength of present holdings on the same or similar subject.
7. Interdisciplinary nature of the resource.
8. Existing full-text availability through electronic means including the consideration of an embargo imposed by the publisher.
9. Professional reputation of resource/publisher.
10. Coverage in indexing and abstracting sources accessible to library users.
11. Acceptable licensing requirements.
12. Platform considerations – is the resource easy to access and use.
13. Adherence to standards (NISO/COUNTER).
In order to maximize both budget and space resources, the IU South Bend Libraries does not purchase continuing resources in multiple formats. An electronic format is generally preferred as it provides the greatest on- and off-campus access to these resources, and is favored by most users. Print format will be selected if it is the only option or if the quality of the paper version is warranted.
When making a new serial title recommendation, the recommender should indicate if back issues are requested. However, the Library cannot guarantee the purchase or availability of back issues.
Current subscriptions are evaluated annually to ensure relevancy to the curriculum and judicious use of funds. Faculty input will be sought as warranted regarding proposed cancellations and additions.
1. Existing database and serial subscriptions are reviewed annually by subject librarians October through February. Faculty input is solicited on titles under consideration for cancellation. Departments may submit cancellation requests at any time.
2. Factors reviewed include relevance of title to curriculum, coverage, full-text availability, cost/use, availability in other resources, and ease of interlibrary loan/purchase on demand.
3. A list of titles to be cancelled is finalized in April and processed in the summer.